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I am on a journey, as are most people. My path splits: becoming who I am destined to be, and also sharing the truth of where I have been. I AM TRAVELING TO ME.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Favorites: Musicals and Operas

Les Misérables, Rent, Rigoletto, Wicked, etc. -- each story tends to evoke so much emotion for me.  It doesn't matter if the singers are singers, or just actors who sing -- the story mixed with the right composition and lyrics is truly what brings me back.  Time and again, after many viewings of each musical (not an extensive list? There's more), the story never dulls itself; it becomes even better.  The story continues to deepen, and so does my loyalty to said story.


*Pictures uploaded from Google Images*

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Crafting my writing - part one

Coffee . . . Check.  Laptop . . . Check.  Recently revised material . . .  Check.  Strong WiFi . . . Check.  Counting down the pages as I hit SAVE . . . Check.  This evening just continues to get better.  So, here's to making this evening last a bit longer.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Detroit: Managing an Ongoing Emergency Part 1


I have tried to refrain from creating posts that are politically based, although I, along with many friends and colleagues know my political side.  But, unfortunately after reading and watching the constant reminders of how badly Detroit has been "progressing," I have decided to break my imaginary rule and speak on it (this post will serve as part one).  Seems fit, especially since those same politicians who have sat back and done nothing for their city have spoken, too much.

Detroit, to some is a large metropolitan city.  Home to others, myself included.  Detroit, a mostly urban populated city, who goes by a plethora of nicknames:  D-Town, The Motor City, 313, Motown, "Murder Capital" (not a legit name for this place, as many others have seen their fair share of crime).  Whichever name it goes by, the people who have lived there or still reside here, need to respond to the constant reminders of the economy, but more importantly Detroit's economy.

For many years Detroit has been the laughing stock of several news sources around the country, and mostly to the suburban  counties and cities that surround the states largest city.  And although some have come up with plausible solutions to changing the image of Detroit, it has still been going under financially.

If we must discuss the school solution, that would take another post (which guaranteed I will do). 

As it stands with managing a city of such a large proportion, a government would need to step out of their own bubble and decide what is best for its citizens and the growth of its place.

At one point Detroit was a major metropolitan city with so many opportunities:  the auto industry, Motown, etc -- but those examples have dwindled and some have relocated -- except for the auto industry, which like the forward moving people of Detroit, they bounce back and continue to think of fresh ideas.  Here's a New idea:  Make way for the new Emergency Financial Manager (EFM), Kevyn Orr.  As much as it disturbs others that this one person is in place to "control" Detroit, what should be most ridiculous is how many other people could not handle their own positions in helping the city stay afloat.  Many years have passed with an abundance of politicians taking office;  city counsel, mayors, governors and such, yet still Detroit continued to fall by the wayside.  Not too mention the lack of support in the school systems -- be it the children suffering because a lack of literacy or the promising teachers who fight to provide a great education for their students, only to be given constant pink slips at the end of each year -- reminding them their job of ensuring a bright future for the youth is NOT valued.

Yes, Detroit has managed, somehow, for all those years.  But that does not mean it was or is in decent shape.  Yes the state of Michigan -- Lansing to be specific owes the city of Detroit, Millions of dollars, which seems unlikely to be paid out anytime soon.  And yes, some of the more asinine citizens voted for a corrupt mayor (once, and twice, again) to take office -- and FINALLY he is receiving the punishment he deserves.  But with all of it, should Detroit have managed for all those years?  Or should its focus been to thrive?

Detroit needs A change.  Detroit needs TO change.  Detroit must FINALLY focus on its future -- people included.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March IS Madness

Betting on NCAA Tournament futures reflects wide-open college basketball season

Even I get carried away during March.  And no, I'm not Irish, so it's not because of St. Patrick's Day.  It's possibly the cause of going to and graduating from a Big Ten university -- Yes, March Madness is major for me. I've never bet actual money, but I do enjoy the occasional bracket(s). And after reading a post from the above site, I now can sit back and watch as the "betters" go wild trying to decide which school they want to place money on.  Not that I'm opposed to gambling, but I do know that with all the money that comes from Vegas and other places, in regards to lotteries and other bets, education could be better funded.  Just thinking of the cross contamination of education and gambling, makes me turn my focus onto Michigan -- being that I'm originally from here and grew up here as well.

It makes me think of the state of Michigan and how the Michigan Lottery claims they give a portion of the funds to education in its state (,1607,7-110-888-3454--,00.html).  Maybe it's a lie.  Or, maybe they do.    And if that is the case (some truth), why not just give money to the schools firsthand?

Geez I've gone from a light post about basketball, right back into a much needed post about political mishaps.  Let me go back to what I started with.  And don't worry, I'll resume the other  topic relatively soon.

March Madness -- It's great to relax and be with friends who either cheer for your favorite team and/or Alma mater, or even friends that have another team to root for.  Competition is key!  This month = extreme basketball. It's almost humorous how in March, most people concentrate on college hoops than their beloved pro teams. But that doesn't really matter. All that means anything for March Madness -- for me anyway -- is your loyalty to a team. When comprising a bracket, many of us choose to make our favorite team to win the title. Even if they don't stand a chance (in the standings), we still pick them. But I was happy to see that in the NCAA tourney link, they were strongly going with my team -- MSU.  Not that their opinion would make me revise my bracket, but still, it's March and the more people that side with your favorite team -- that makes each game even more exciting.  So my bracket stands, the same as it has for the past few years -- even if each teams rankings/standings continue to flop, my number #1 team will ALWAYS be the Michigan State University Spartans!
                                                                Go Green!
                                                                Go White!
                                                                Go State! 
*Photos from Bing and MSU Website*

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What is an Anxiety Disorder? Anxiety Disorder Definition - HealthyPlace

Anxiety disorder is a common mental illness revolving around worry and fear. Learn about the different anxiety disorders, their symptoms, treatments.

What is an Anxiety Disorder? Anxiety Disorder Definition - HealthyPlace

Something to learn about . . .

Tunnel Of Oppression 2013

This is the poster (courtesy of Zain Shamoon -- the main director for the show) for 2013's showcase of Tunnel Of Oppression, which takes place at Michigan State University.  This is my fourth year working with Tunnel.  In the past I've acted, co-directed, co-produced, wrote and co-wrote for the showcase.  This semester I'm excited, again, because I should be able to see the showing -- the last time I was far away . . .

I'll post an in depth blog on next week, about the program.  The shows take place on both Monday, March 18, 2013 and Tuesday, March 19, 2013 inside the MSU Union.  There are three shows on each night, 6pm, 7pm and 8pm.  If anyone in the Greater Lansing, Metro Detroit or MSU community want to attend, it's FREE, so come see what is guaranteed to be a memorable experience!

If you'd like to know more about Tunnel, click below:

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My View

When I set out to write, this is the picture that I like to think of (a friend of mine posted this picture a while ago -- not sure the actual source, so my apologies to that person).  I like to imagine an open, bright, safe, clean, artistic atmosphere, in where I can just drift off into my writing -- focusing on making worlds appear and characters lives possible.  This is the picture that I envision.  This is my focal point, whenever I feel a literary struggle, or artistic block coming along.  I look at this photo and relax.  Although this is not my actual view, it still does the trick!  Imagery, imagination and creativity can bridge any aloof mentality towards concentrating on ones destiny.  So, I opt for this one!  What a great space for clarity! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Decisions sometimes have to be made

After much pondering, packing and listing of arrangements, I had to make a difficult decision.  Decisions . . . I wish it weren't that I was having to choose between gaining practical experience for my future, and focusing on what is already in front of me.  Either way, I had to make that decision.  I had to opt for not going to something which I had planned on attending almost two months ago.  Alas, I will not be with my comrades at the Hyatt for the next few days.  Although I am still somewhat bummed -- scratch that, totally bummed -- I have to factor in what I am preparing for within this semester.  This, being my third semester as an MFA student of Lesley University; studying in the Creative Writing platform, but focusing on Writing for Stage & Screen, and Nonfiction, I am preparing for when the inevitable happens:  graduation in less than a year.  When I have to go out into the real world, without my mentor/advisor safety nets.  Such a terrifying thought!
Third semester equals Titanic sized assignments, multiple revisions, new ideas and the writing of new material.  I have gained valuable life/writing experience with each semester, but somehow with this one, I am learning even more than I thought I would.  I am learning how to understand my characters, while breathing both clarity and intensity into their worlds.  With this blog, I am learning to just be a writer:  telling a story, no matter how insane it might feel to reveal.  This entire semester thus far has been a decision, which I have had to make.  I had to focus on deadlines, even when my mind is drawing a blank on what to purge onto the page.  I have had to clear persistent thoughts that have seemed to try and creep its way into throwing my focus off.  I am determined with all my writing, to give a voice:  to my characters, to my readers and to myself. 

MFA life is not normal, but it's not bad either.  It's the right amount of intensity, insanity, and enjoyment.  I have always heard how "high school is the best years of your life," which I never bought.  And it wasn't the case.  College has been the best times of my life (undergrad and now grad).  If I never went through having to make a choice of what to do, I would never be in the position I am in to make the above choice.  Like I said, I am not thrilled with missing my writing family and buddies which I have not seen since undergrad at Michigan State University, but I am in the type of mindset now, in where everything happens for a reason.  Maybe that reason of not attending, will mean I can truly breathe, without feeling pressured to put just anything on the page and hit send.  The time won't seem too crowded with plausible adventures, that I would neglect my own writers journey (here I go, thinking of my Craft Books  :-p) in order to partake.

I am looking forward to writing more.  I am indeed looking forward to being with my writing buddies once more.  And although it might mean a few more months until that happens, that time I will stay even longer.  This time I will be even more prepared, not for what can go wrong, but what I envision with turn out wonderfully.  In a mere few months, after this semester has ended and submissions have been sent in and evaluated, I will be edging toward another decision:  Which full length play do I put up?  I am thrilled this decision does not have to be made just yet.  But when that time gets closer, I am sure I will be prepared.  Third semester has and will continue to kick my butt, and I am thankful for that.  It is definitely not a lie when people say, "preparation meets opportunity."  And I am totally becoming prepared for what will come into frution. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Routine Writers Block

What day is it, again?  How many days have I been working on this?  It's amazing what I can think of when I'm not focused.  More importantly, it fascinates me why I'm not completely focused.  When there are less days to revise than what you need, in order to get to the best version of your work -- that's when panic strikes.  Or in my case, procrastination sinks into my head masking away as desperation.  If only I could shake it . . . Even this darn post is my attempt to knock the cobwebs out of my mind and sit still, long enough to revise these few pages.

I go inside a coffee shop, backpack connected to me -- which is what I seem to always have.  No, I NEVER carry a purse or handbag (bleh), but I have my trusty backpack or messenger bag.  And NO, it does not leave my side -- much like my inhaler.  But I'm getting a tad bit tangent-like.  My routine:  I listen to a soft musical selection of songs to put my mentality at ease.  I sit in the far side corner, typing away; looking at my recently revised work; glancing at my mountainous pile of printed off versions that must be redone;  quickly thumb through a Writers magazine; flip through my notebook, going to each page, which are bombarded with notes.  And yet, I still haven't reached my newly written pages.  I'm still in revision mode.

This is my routine.  Revision never starts with the pages that need to be done.  Instead it begins with revising my focus on what to start with.  It seems easy:  just open a new file and GO.  But with each newly written page, more pages have to be deleted.  And with those pages going by the wayside, the story shifts.  Thus a new plot emerges.  Or maybe that's just me.  Yes, I map out how I want something to begin and eventually end -- but what goes on in the middle -- that's just as much a surprise to the reader as it is to me.  Well, sometimes that's the case.  Sometimes.

I suppose trying to multitask does not quite help with my Writers Block.  Nor benefits any type of routine of writing . . . The hours are slowly -- wait, quickly counting down.  I still have many things to finish.  One being another set of rewrites.  I've started them, and yet looking at the list of what to finish, makes me cringe.  I don't have too difficult a task to accomplish.  I just have to begin, again, or else I'll never finish.  This is a routine!  This is something that needs to stop.  I need to just write something.  Anything.  If I get something down, I'll be in control.  I need to kick this writers block in the butt -- at least for the next few days.

I need a new routine!