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I am on a journey, as are most people. My path splits: becoming who I am destined to be, and also sharing the truth of where I have been. I AM TRAVELING TO ME.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Routine Writers Block

What day is it, again?  How many days have I been working on this?  It's amazing what I can think of when I'm not focused.  More importantly, it fascinates me why I'm not completely focused.  When there are less days to revise than what you need, in order to get to the best version of your work -- that's when panic strikes.  Or in my case, procrastination sinks into my head masking away as desperation.  If only I could shake it . . . Even this darn post is my attempt to knock the cobwebs out of my mind and sit still, long enough to revise these few pages.

I go inside a coffee shop, backpack connected to me -- which is what I seem to always have.  No, I NEVER carry a purse or handbag (bleh), but I have my trusty backpack or messenger bag.  And NO, it does not leave my side -- much like my inhaler.  But I'm getting a tad bit tangent-like.  My routine:  I listen to a soft musical selection of songs to put my mentality at ease.  I sit in the far side corner, typing away; looking at my recently revised work; glancing at my mountainous pile of printed off versions that must be redone;  quickly thumb through a Writers magazine; flip through my notebook, going to each page, which are bombarded with notes.  And yet, I still haven't reached my newly written pages.  I'm still in revision mode.

This is my routine.  Revision never starts with the pages that need to be done.  Instead it begins with revising my focus on what to start with.  It seems easy:  just open a new file and GO.  But with each newly written page, more pages have to be deleted.  And with those pages going by the wayside, the story shifts.  Thus a new plot emerges.  Or maybe that's just me.  Yes, I map out how I want something to begin and eventually end -- but what goes on in the middle -- that's just as much a surprise to the reader as it is to me.  Well, sometimes that's the case.  Sometimes.

I suppose trying to multitask does not quite help with my Writers Block.  Nor benefits any type of routine of writing . . . The hours are slowly -- wait, quickly counting down.  I still have many things to finish.  One being another set of rewrites.  I've started them, and yet looking at the list of what to finish, makes me cringe.  I don't have too difficult a task to accomplish.  I just have to begin, again, or else I'll never finish.  This is a routine!  This is something that needs to stop.  I need to just write something.  Anything.  If I get something down, I'll be in control.  I need to kick this writers block in the butt -- at least for the next few days.

I need a new routine!

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