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I am on a journey, as are most people. My path splits: becoming who I am destined to be, and also sharing the truth of where I have been. I AM TRAVELING TO ME.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Detroit: Managing an Ongoing Emergency Part 1


I have tried to refrain from creating posts that are politically based, although I, along with many friends and colleagues know my political side.  But, unfortunately after reading and watching the constant reminders of how badly Detroit has been "progressing," I have decided to break my imaginary rule and speak on it (this post will serve as part one).  Seems fit, especially since those same politicians who have sat back and done nothing for their city have spoken, too much.

Detroit, to some is a large metropolitan city.  Home to others, myself included.  Detroit, a mostly urban populated city, who goes by a plethora of nicknames:  D-Town, The Motor City, 313, Motown, "Murder Capital" (not a legit name for this place, as many others have seen their fair share of crime).  Whichever name it goes by, the people who have lived there or still reside here, need to respond to the constant reminders of the economy, but more importantly Detroit's economy.

For many years Detroit has been the laughing stock of several news sources around the country, and mostly to the suburban  counties and cities that surround the states largest city.  And although some have come up with plausible solutions to changing the image of Detroit, it has still been going under financially.

If we must discuss the school solution, that would take another post (which guaranteed I will do). 

As it stands with managing a city of such a large proportion, a government would need to step out of their own bubble and decide what is best for its citizens and the growth of its place.

At one point Detroit was a major metropolitan city with so many opportunities:  the auto industry, Motown, etc -- but those examples have dwindled and some have relocated -- except for the auto industry, which like the forward moving people of Detroit, they bounce back and continue to think of fresh ideas.  Here's a New idea:  Make way for the new Emergency Financial Manager (EFM), Kevyn Orr.  As much as it disturbs others that this one person is in place to "control" Detroit, what should be most ridiculous is how many other people could not handle their own positions in helping the city stay afloat.  Many years have passed with an abundance of politicians taking office;  city counsel, mayors, governors and such, yet still Detroit continued to fall by the wayside.  Not too mention the lack of support in the school systems -- be it the children suffering because a lack of literacy or the promising teachers who fight to provide a great education for their students, only to be given constant pink slips at the end of each year -- reminding them their job of ensuring a bright future for the youth is NOT valued.

Yes, Detroit has managed, somehow, for all those years.  But that does not mean it was or is in decent shape.  Yes the state of Michigan -- Lansing to be specific owes the city of Detroit, Millions of dollars, which seems unlikely to be paid out anytime soon.  And yes, some of the more asinine citizens voted for a corrupt mayor (once, and twice, again) to take office -- and FINALLY he is receiving the punishment he deserves.  But with all of it, should Detroit have managed for all those years?  Or should its focus been to thrive?

Detroit needs A change.  Detroit needs TO change.  Detroit must FINALLY focus on its future -- people included.

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