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I am on a journey, as are most people. My path splits: becoming who I am destined to be, and also sharing the truth of where I have been. I AM TRAVELING TO ME.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Decisions sometimes have to be made

After much pondering, packing and listing of arrangements, I had to make a difficult decision.  Decisions . . . I wish it weren't that I was having to choose between gaining practical experience for my future, and focusing on what is already in front of me.  Either way, I had to make that decision.  I had to opt for not going to something which I had planned on attending almost two months ago.  Alas, I will not be with my comrades at the Hyatt for the next few days.  Although I am still somewhat bummed -- scratch that, totally bummed -- I have to factor in what I am preparing for within this semester.  This, being my third semester as an MFA student of Lesley University; studying in the Creative Writing platform, but focusing on Writing for Stage & Screen, and Nonfiction, I am preparing for when the inevitable happens:  graduation in less than a year.  When I have to go out into the real world, without my mentor/advisor safety nets.  Such a terrifying thought!
Third semester equals Titanic sized assignments, multiple revisions, new ideas and the writing of new material.  I have gained valuable life/writing experience with each semester, but somehow with this one, I am learning even more than I thought I would.  I am learning how to understand my characters, while breathing both clarity and intensity into their worlds.  With this blog, I am learning to just be a writer:  telling a story, no matter how insane it might feel to reveal.  This entire semester thus far has been a decision, which I have had to make.  I had to focus on deadlines, even when my mind is drawing a blank on what to purge onto the page.  I have had to clear persistent thoughts that have seemed to try and creep its way into throwing my focus off.  I am determined with all my writing, to give a voice:  to my characters, to my readers and to myself. 

MFA life is not normal, but it's not bad either.  It's the right amount of intensity, insanity, and enjoyment.  I have always heard how "high school is the best years of your life," which I never bought.  And it wasn't the case.  College has been the best times of my life (undergrad and now grad).  If I never went through having to make a choice of what to do, I would never be in the position I am in to make the above choice.  Like I said, I am not thrilled with missing my writing family and buddies which I have not seen since undergrad at Michigan State University, but I am in the type of mindset now, in where everything happens for a reason.  Maybe that reason of not attending, will mean I can truly breathe, without feeling pressured to put just anything on the page and hit send.  The time won't seem too crowded with plausible adventures, that I would neglect my own writers journey (here I go, thinking of my Craft Books  :-p) in order to partake.

I am looking forward to writing more.  I am indeed looking forward to being with my writing buddies once more.  And although it might mean a few more months until that happens, that time I will stay even longer.  This time I will be even more prepared, not for what can go wrong, but what I envision with turn out wonderfully.  In a mere few months, after this semester has ended and submissions have been sent in and evaluated, I will be edging toward another decision:  Which full length play do I put up?  I am thrilled this decision does not have to be made just yet.  But when that time gets closer, I am sure I will be prepared.  Third semester has and will continue to kick my butt, and I am thankful for that.  It is definitely not a lie when people say, "preparation meets opportunity."  And I am totally becoming prepared for what will come into frution. 

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