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I am on a journey, as are most people. My path splits: becoming who I am destined to be, and also sharing the truth of where I have been. I AM TRAVELING TO ME.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Oh, just hanging out with Degrassi . . . Part 1

Above, is the infamous Degrassi Google+ Hangout session that took place today, 2/26/13 at 5:00pm.  Before it even began, I was trying to remain calm on camera, although I was about to have a mini heart attack, because my laptop microphone had chosen NOT to work.  After all the discussion that was done on my Facebook, Twitter and Blog, just as the chat was about to start -- SILENCE from my end.  Yet, I held my composure, and waited until I found the solution.  Never having done a Hangout session, I was unaware of the microphone situation -- epic FAIL on my part.  Good thing I figured it out just as the chat was starting.  I had my questions already written out, but I would have had to type them, just in case.  But at the last minute my sound came on, and (you'll see) I was excited to hear their reaction. *I can be found second from the right, or fifth from the left -- below of the screen.*

Leading the Hangout were three amazingly talented people:  Stefan Brogren (Producer/Actor/Director for Degrassi), Ramona Berckert (writer for Degrassi) and Abby Ho (guru at Degrassi's Epitome Picture).  Joining in on the session, besides myself (@klayster), were four other Degrassi fanatics, whom you can find on Twitter:  @JaimieGallant  @karydegrassi  @Miranda_Kasherv and @ashleyshimski.  I honestly can say it was a beyond fantastic experience to be part of.  Of course I had already made a complete list of questions I wanted to ask, and gratefully I was given the chance to ask some of the more important on my list.

Just to give everyone a heads up, the questions I asked were:

1.  What made you decide Cam was to be the character with the suicide storyline, as opposed to Craig, who dealt with mental illness in the prior seasons?

2.  Are there any past Degrassi storylines you would have liked to continue?  I.E., What happened to Paige's HIV results, as it regards to her being with Griffin?

3.  Will there ever be a Degrassi Mini with Jack as a student at Degrassi?

** I had many others, but thankfully some were asked by the other hangout crew members.

Being that I am an MFA student studying Writing For Stage & Screen, it was indeed helpful to hear the stories of how Stefan, Ramona and Abby found their footing in the film industry.  Not to mention their take on writers block, challenging yourself to just write, even when it's just a few sentences -- good or bad, and never giving up on what you believe you should be doing.  I love hearing what people in the business have to say, because it gives perspective of why one needs to work hard:  nothing will come easily, and you need to build your experience/resume, before going after a big break.

I had a fun time chatting with my fellow Degrassians, and listening to their stories of what Degrassi means to them.  I felt at home during the entire session.  I thank everyone for their sincerity and trust in one another, to make this one of the best (The Best, in my opinion) Degrassi Google+ Hangout sessions!  And the impromptu "Whatever It Takes" singalong was epic!  I look forward to many more episodes of Degrassi (until it "blows up" -- Stefan's words, not mines), and my new found Degrassi quintet, which is thanks to Epitome.  :-p

I will be posting a more in depth blog, in the next few days, so that I can go into further detail of what I took from the entire chat.

Talk Soon.

~Kyra C.

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