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I am on a journey, as are most people. My path splits: becoming who I am destined to be, and also sharing the truth of where I have been. I AM TRAVELING TO ME.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Stripping Down (Dancing in the Sun)

"Unplugged . . ."  "Bare . . ."  "Stripped down . . ."  These words all describe what happens when I write a song.  Or any piece of writing for that matter.  I decide on going into the vault of memories -- some others, but mostly mine -- and take a piece of what I can (remember), in order to find the reality.

I never understood why it was, or is easy for me to be that way on stage (present), but in person I can't be.  I never understood  until I really listened to my own music.  And my Go-To-Music that gets me into writing mode.  Most of is what some may call "emo," "alt-rock/pop," or classical -- but what I'd like to call, real life through song.

I get inspiration to continue writing and to dig deeper into my thoughts -- after I've set a playlist that becomes more emotional recall than easy listening.  I begin to write.  Yet most of my thoughts would never see the light of day (to some -- I guess I'm not a writer then).  I continue to write, until I'm immersed into that world, and I can actually feel life inside the words.  Strange, eh?  But that to me is Stripping Down.  

I imagine how it would be, if I could take that same writers confidence and utilize it as I converse with people.  Don't get me wrong, I can be social -- I've been part of many social organizations and activities (even being head chair in most of them) -- but when it's just me . . . and no mention of organizations, jobs, music -- the go-to discussions, I'm lost.  I'm beyond stage fright, and I'm not even performing.  Or am I?

I guess, looking at life, that's somewhat a performance too.  Some of us have to fake it till we make it.  Some of us have to bare it.  And then some of us just write -- sing -- live through our music -- because that's the only way we can really strip down.


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